I try so hard not to love you
to not even care…
Sometimes I wish I could just pack up my feelings
and act as though you aren't there.

I try so hard not to care
With all those your words
I try not to be affected by your word

Sometimes I even succeed in blocking you out of my mind - just for a while…
But then, Thoughts of you come rushing back into my mind
And all I can do is smile…

I’m keep trying,

Harder and harder and harder...
I do really want to forget everything about this...about you
I do really try not to care what people said about me
But their words keep hurt my heart…
again and again...

At the end, no matter how much I try not to care,
I just can’t
I still care about you

At night you’re the last thing I think about… and
the first thing I think about when I wake up
Everything just because I love you…
The way you are…

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2 Responses
  1. cHeN@ Says:

    nyanyi 1 lagu bleh??? "hancur hati ku...mengenang dikau...."huhuhu past is past...all the best

  2. Aisya Says:

    aduyai...leh mati kesedihan dengar lagu neh. huhuh...yup..past is past...tapi adakala kesengalan emosi ini datang lalu terhasil lah puisi yang sebegitu...